I didn’t think I should be celebrated on Mother’s Day because I haven’t been through any of the hard stuff yet – giving birth, actually raising a child, etc. I have it so easy now. All I do is go about my business and carry the baby around. I have given up a few favorites temporarily, like sweet tea and Diet Coke, but that’s no big deal.
I spent Mother’s Day first with Gunter’s mom and grandmother at church, and then I spent the afternoon with my mom and Dear Grandmother…along with the rest of the Bailey side of the family. My surprise that morning was a card from the baby and a book from the daddy – “Baby Boot Camp.” Yes! Just what I need!
Last Saturday, I had my first baby shower in Prattville! I was so excited, you would have thought I had won a trip to the Bahamas. I got some great stuff to get us ready for Baby. The women on Gunter’s Galimore side of the family threw the shower and invited my college roommates and some other friends who live in the Montgomery/Prattville area. Wow, so many important days of my life have been spent in a town that I never really called “home,” but is home to people I love.

I’ve been asked if we’re still attending childbirth classes, and the answer is yes. I went to one last week that I didn’t blog about because, though it’s a natural thing, I don’t consider it G-rated, or at least it’s TMI. I told Gunter not to feel obligated to go to that one because he won't be able to contribute much anyway.
This week’s class, Baby Saver, was probably the most important and the least enjoyable, just because the subject matter made me nervous. Imagine that! (This was the first, however, during which they haven’t shown a birth video.) We talked about proper carseat installation, tips for making your home safe, safe eating, poison control and what to do when (not if) your baby chokes. We had a baby practice dummy and everything. Who knew that Werther’s Originals were the devil?

If nothing else, the class improved my prayer life on the way home.
In other news, I’m at 26 weeks, and apparently, I have entered the waddling phase. The ol’ belly is putting extra weight on my lower back and hips, which is I guess why I have a new strutting style, along with some achiness and loose joints. I have definitely grown in the past couple of weeks, and though the belly button has not quite popped out yet, it unnerves Gunter. He won’t touch it, and he freaks out when I touch it. I think men must have more sensitive belly buttons than women.
The baby is moving more often these days, and I’ve been able to see bumping around from the outside.
In the midst of utter swamped-ness, Gunter is making progress on the baby’s room. He’s actually in Dothan today picking up the crib and dresser. I can’t wait to see it put together, but I must remember, one step at a time.
1 comment:
ha ha...I don't know. I hate touching and looking at my own belly button! :)
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