Here’s Bailey and me in a place where I predict we’ll be spending a lot of time soon – a rocking chair from some sweet friends in Opp in Bailey’s not-quite-finished nursery. I’ll try to show more pictures when we’ve got a few things hung on the walls and one more piece of furniture in place. Gunter is working on it like crazy, but the 5,724 layers of old paint he’s scraping off are about to get the best of him.
I redeemed a birthday gift certificate yesterday and got a pregnancy massage. I was wary of the table at first because, even with an indention for my belly, I wondered if I was putting any pressure on Bailey. When I told my mom about the table made for pregnant bellies she asked, “Did yours fit?” A valid question, since mine does stick way on out there.
After I got comfortable with the table, I really enjoyed the massage. Getting up was quite an endeavor, but when I left the spa, I didn’t even feel pregnant. I felt lighter, and nothing was strained or achy. The only trouble I had was the massage oil lingering on my hippo-like feet. No matter what I did, I couldn’t keep them from slipping in my shoes. No Walmart trip for me (pun not intended). Gunter picked up groceries on his own.
In other news, I’ve not been as active with the youth this summer. We had water day a few Saturdays ago, and I did go out there, but I had a great time in the shade playing with my “twin’s” little ones in a kiddie pool instead of slip-and-slide baseball. After it was all over, Gunter tried to pull me down the slip-and-slide on my back, but I don’t think he took into account that the extra weight would not allow him to go very fast. It wasn’t a very dignified experience.
The youth went tubing on Saturday, and we decided it would not be best for me to try that, either. I couldn’t imagine how I might get into an inner tube and still breathe, though I could easily see me falling on a stump or something. Gunter made a good point about going into labor on the river and having no cell phone service. Besides that, any time over 5 minutes in the sun would have cooked me. Mom and I went shopping instead, and then I took a nap and cleaned house. Much safer, except for the cleaning the house part.
Tonight, we’re going to a postpartum class at the hospital so Gunter will know what to do with me when I turn into an all-out basketcase. I hope to find out that shoulder rubs are key in battling baby blues.
looking good mama! I have to get a pregnancy massage now because yours sounded so good!
I do recommend it. The massage therapist said pregnancy massages help your muscles keep up with the fast growth your body is going through, especially late in pregnancy. I don't know anything about that, but I'd take one every week if I had the chance. :-)
Chiropractic also helps A LOT. I don't usually go but went late in pregnancy with AC. It was weird but awesome. Next time, Aaron's informed me that I will have routine chiropractic care throughout the whole pregnancy. Works for me. Glad your massage helped!
Maybe if I went to the chiropractor, my hips wouldn't hurt so bad getting out of bed in the morning!
Don't you just love the maternity massage? I think I got about five! The bigger I got, the better they felt!
Hey Bethany! You look beautiful! I soooo remember this time of my pregnancy and all I can say is all the aches and pains will go away! It will be so worth it to hold your precious baby in your arms! I really have enjoyed(and laughed) reading your blog and keeping up with your pregnancy! Mainly because I can soooo relate!:) Take care and keep posting!
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