I think we’ve gotten back into the swing of things. We cooked last night for the first time since being back (overindulging in cravings will catch up with you when those cravings include cheeseburgers, pizza and Southern fried chicken). I’ve had two good days back at work, and I did pretty well after not working for 2 whole weeks. During my time off, I became a liberated woman – no purse, cell phone, PDA or computer for about a week and a half.
The 7-hour time change didn’t seem to treat us too badly. But it’s obvious that I remain physically unable to stay awake past 9:30 p.m. I tend to nod off around 7 if I’m sitting still. I’m beginning to think I have some sort of medical condition. It can create some pretty embarrassing situations.
I have been known to fall asleep with company at our house, as our friends the Stanleys have witnessed on more than one occasion and my in-laws saw first-hand Friday night. I mean, sitting straight up on the couch having a conversation. One minute I’m talking, and the next, my eyes have rolled back into my head.
It’s like Cinderella rushing to be home by midnight or her carriage turns into a pumpkin, except my time ends at the stroke of 9, and I’m the one who turns into the vegetable. “I’m sorry, friends, but you have to leave now. It’s almost 9:00 and Bethany won’t last much longer.”
This problem makes for some romantic date nights, too. We go out to eat, we come home, put in a movie, and within the first 30 minutes, I’m snoozing and Gunter is up by himself. He tries to help me stay awake, but that’s when I start talking crazy and getting unruly. Thank goodness he loves me anyway. The only way to prevent my sudden slumber syndrome is if I stay busy for the duration of the movie. No relaxing for me. Instead, I’m folding laundry to stay awake.
Gunter doesn’t understand it, and I don’t either. I always know it’s coming, but I am powerless to fight it off. I don’t want to fall asleep, but it’s completely involuntary. Does anyone else have this problem? How do you live a normal life?
The 7-hour time change didn’t seem to treat us too badly. But it’s obvious that I remain physically unable to stay awake past 9:30 p.m. I tend to nod off around 7 if I’m sitting still. I’m beginning to think I have some sort of medical condition. It can create some pretty embarrassing situations.
I have been known to fall asleep with company at our house, as our friends the Stanleys have witnessed on more than one occasion and my in-laws saw first-hand Friday night. I mean, sitting straight up on the couch having a conversation. One minute I’m talking, and the next, my eyes have rolled back into my head.
It’s like Cinderella rushing to be home by midnight or her carriage turns into a pumpkin, except my time ends at the stroke of 9, and I’m the one who turns into the vegetable. “I’m sorry, friends, but you have to leave now. It’s almost 9:00 and Bethany won’t last much longer.”

Gunter doesn’t understand it, and I don’t either. I always know it’s coming, but I am powerless to fight it off. I don’t want to fall asleep, but it’s completely involuntary. Does anyone else have this problem? How do you live a normal life?
Peanut butter will take gum out of the carpet...oh, excuse me. I have fallen asleep several times while reading your article....the fish was too big to cook in the pan...oh, I did it again. Sorry Bet, but I think it runs in family...
I am just guessing here, but I think it is called "being pregnant" unless you have always been this way. Then it might just be the way you are. Makes you kinda unique - don't you think?!!
You know, Debbie, that's a good point. I think I've pretty much been this way all my life, but it's probably gotten worse in the last few months. At least that makes me feel like I have an excuse!
I agree with Debbie K! A baby in the belly can make a girl SLEEPY, for sure. I say, don't resist. Just enjoy your naps! :)
I'm afraid you're probably going to have to endure it for the next several months. It's the pregnancy. It happened to me while I was carrying Caden and I'm going through the very same thing now as well. It's funny to hear you describe it, because it's identical to my problem. Travis has completely called off our weekly movie nights because I can't even get through the first 20 minutes. In fact, I've been known to doze off before the plot was even presented.
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