Have you ever said the blessing all the way through a meal? I sure did today.
My lunchtime fare this week has consisted of Lean Cuisine-type dinners and leftovers from home. Most of the time, these kind of meals are all right with me. They're fairly healthy, convenient and inexpensive. And I would get tired of eating out all the time.
But then to my own fortune, I left my Lean Cuisine and last night's leftovers in the fridge due to the distraction of driving to work in stormy weather. (Even though Gunter did an outstanding job last night cooking chicken quesadillas.) To me, that meant only one thing -- I must go out. Really, it's my only option.
Out I went with a single-minded passion for a cheeseburger. I've wanted one for a few days, but I've used restraint.
So as I devoured my long-awaited Sonic cheeseburger with all the fixins, I ate with my eyes closed to fully enjoy every bite. Cheeseburgers for lunch might not seem like a good way to take care of the Holy Spirit's temple, but it certainly stimulated my sense of thankfulness and my prayer life. "Thank you, Lord, for this Sonic cheeseburger."
I know not everyone got a Sonic cheeseburger for lunch today, so I thanked God for mine all the way to the last bite.
I had one last night and I totally felt the same way about it! Weird! Hope you are doing ok :)
Excellent! Lemonberry slushes are like little gifts straight from Heaven!Those were one of my number one preggo cravings, too! Hey, fruit's good for the baby.
Glad you enjoyed your cheeseburger! :)
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