Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Close encounters of the worst kind

The plot thickens.

I seriously considered not writing about this because:
1. I don't want to seem ungrateful to be living where I am, and
2. I don't want to gross you out more than I have.

So please know that neither is my intention.

I thought I'd be writing today to celebrate mousetrap victories, but no such luck. Gunter did set some traps yesterday, but no dead rodents yet, unless you count the one under the bathroom wall.

Gunter posed the question last night as we were on our way to bed if mice were really what we were dealing with or roaches. What happened a few minutes later persuaded me to believe it’s both. I think they’re in cahoots.

We killed 4 roaches within about 15 minutes. (By “we,” I mean me screaming bloody murder and Gunter actually doing the squashing.) FOUR within 15 minutes – that ought to be some kind of record. Roach #3 was caught climbing over my bare foot, headed up my pants leg.

Did I overreact? If you call being reduced to a whimpering child overreacting, then yes, I guess you could say I overreacted.

Oh, but Gunter is ever so patient and gentle with me. He only hesitated for a moment when I asked him to get up at 5:30 this morning and check the bathroom before I went in there. But even as caring as he is, I doubt the refusing-to-brush-my-teeth-without-him-watching-for-roaches bit will last much longer. Or the waking up several times during the night just to make sure there’s not one on the bed.

Maybe it’s not just an outstanding show of Gunter’s patience. Maybe it’s that he didn’t want me to evacuate the premises at that time of night.

Okay, so I’ve learned my lesson about washing dishes promptly and sweeping every two hours. I’ve heard mice and roaches are common issues for mobile home dwellers. So if any of you out there have fought this battle before, how did you cope? What’s the best way to get rid of these pests, or at least keep your sanity? I’ve heard a few stories…Maybe I should just ask “Mule” Kelley to stake out the place with his BB gun.

Funny, the roach invasion began immediately after we talked about hosting FCA Bible studies in our home on a regular basis. Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but could this be an attack to make me want to head for the hills instead of being used by God in the place we sensed He had for us?

I’m headed to Destin for a few days on a work trip, so creepy critters, here’s your last chance to get out. Because when I return, I’ll have “a new attitude,” just like Dear Grandmother says. No more Ms. Nice Guy.

And don’t get greedy. Your gluttony will be your undoing.


Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Yikes. I live in the South and soooo understand roach issues. I grew up in PA and there roaches did not enter clean Southern States, a roach would make itself home in a mansion...I scream bloody murder too and my hubby isn't as sweet as yours about it...he tells me to suck it up! :-)

bethany@sippinsweetteablog said...

It baffles me. How can these men not be frightened/repulsed by roaches?!

Unknown said...

After living in Auburn for 5 years in a mobile home, I had my share of roaches. Foggers...they are the best things in the world to get rid of roaches and any other bugs! I think one will work for a trailer size but I always used two. You can even throw one under the trailer as well. I never used an exterminator, but with the mice problem, it sounds like it's time to call one. Just keep you a can of RAID by the bed. Gunter will probably be the one to call the exterminator after you spray him a couple of times during the night due to the nightmares! :) Good luck getting rid of the things!

The Reeds said... If a roach touched me, the whole neighborhood would know about it. I scream if I see a bug of any kind in the house. I am a wimp about bugs. I don't think Noah had bugs on the ark...

Anonymous said...

I do NOT mean to make light of your situation, because I myself am one of the BIGGEST wimps about critters--However, I was nearly rolling with laughter after reading this entry!!!

Anonymous said...

I think its time for you and the "Mr." to get a dog collar. The reason I say that is I saw a television commercial with a singing dog singing:

"There ain't no bugs on me,
No, there ain't no bugs on me.
There may be bugs on some of you mugs,
But there ain't no bugs on me!"

If it works for him...
