Nursery furniture became a topic of discussion around supper tables at church last night, and apparently, Our New Baby is THE place to buy baby furniture around here. I've also gotten an e-mail recommending Our New Baby since my first baby gear post.
So now I'm interested. I wonder if smaller stores like that might be willing to negotiate on prices. After I got a little bit of practice at the Jewish market in Jerusalem, I'm itching to put my haggling skillz to use and shop for baby stuff Dave Ramsey style! Unfortunately, I doubt I'd get very far with big stores like Wal-Mart... "I'll give you $4.50 for this pack of diapers... Okay, this $5 is all I have to spend. Take it or leave it."

*This is actually the Arab market, not the Jewish market. I was too busy looking for deals to take a picture of the Jewish market.
Though some moms I've talked with love convertible furniture (crib that converts to toddler bed that converts to full size), others don't recommend it. One mom said her daughter chewed up her bed "like a beaver" before she turned two, and now she's stuck with said chewed up bed at least until she goes to college. Another said she got the changing table that flips over to become a dresser, but because the drawers go both ways, they don't roll very easily. Another mom bought a convertible set for both children and likes it, but at birth, her son was already too big for the changing table.
So we'll see. We probably won't do any serious baby shopping for the next couple of weeks, but some browsing might be in order.
On to today's question topic -- bedding!
If all they say about SIDS is true (that all you're supposed to have in the crib is a fitted sheet -- no stuffed animals, bumper pads or blankets), why do they sell all these fancy bedding sets? Doesn't make much sense to me. Do I need a bedding set or just some fitted sheets and curtains?

Ok. Here's my take on for the bed, we went with the crib to college set (the one that converts from a crib to a toddler bed to a full size bed). It has it's pros and cons. I like the fact that I don't have to buy another bed and it's nice to know that I don't have to fight my toddler over a car bed or not. :) But, Charlie did begin to chew on the front rail but some rubber bumpers fixed that. There not that pretty but it will pay off later (if they come off cleanly). It does not have an adjustable side which is a nice feature when the mattress is all the way down and you can't reach it without extending your arms. I had many a middle of the night feedings where Charlie fell asleep and the last thing he wanted was to not be touching me so extending my arms was not an option. So, here's a funny thought for you...I just anchored my hips on the rail and bent over to put him down. And yes, my feet came off the floor! So, it's doable. Changing table/dresser is the way to go. I do regret though not buying the hutch that sits on top for later use. Charlie doesn't have any other furniture than that...well, unless you count the rocker, side table and toy box.
Let's see...bedding. Flat sheets and curtains are the way to go. And a bed skirt. The bumpers are supposed to come out when they start to roll over which is only a few months, and they're a pain to deal with when you change the sheet. I have a comforter that matches, which I am hoping to use once we convert it to a toddler bed. But I don't expect I'll be in there making his bed every day for it to matter. :)
Diaper Genie works ok. It does keep the smell inside the can (until you open it, then WATCH OUT!) I only put dirty diapers in it because the refills can get expensive when you have to change them alot. I don't recommend doing the Wal-Mart bag thing simply because when you are both sleep deprived and all you want to do it go back to sleep, you don't want to have to try and find a bag and take the trash out each day. I have friends who swear by the Diaper Champ. So, sorry for the long comment but there's my thoughts on things...
Well Bethy - I only have child, so I don't know if I'm fully qualified to give "expert" advice, but...we have a convertible bed for Jo (baby-full size, not Mustang)mainly because one day we would like to have a full sized bed in a guest bedroom or something. I doubt we'll use if for a toddler bed because I have a feeling we'll be moving one out and one back into it. (not preggo yet, but you never know) I also thought they were prettier beds....not Jonathan's reasoning for buying it, of course.
As for snug fit sheets and no stuffed animals, etc - lets see...the sheets only come snug fit and they are snug, believe me. It's a major workout to change Jo's sheets. The stuffed animal thing is iffy. Joanna will not sleep with out her small bunny in her hand and her big bunny at her head. Not to mention Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore and Tigger in their respective corners of the bed that serve as a snuggle spot in case Joanna gets away from her bunny. Oh, and she did bite one end of the bed, but when her Daddy saw her doing it he scolded her well enough that it broke her heart and she promised she'd never do it again. Ever.
Curtains are fine, just as long as they are not sweeping the floor so a wee one (a.k.a. Mighty Mouse) won't pull your rod out of the wall leaving two huge holes. Joanna has never messed with hers and she is the busiest baby ever!! (just ask any member of my family)
I didn't buy a diaper genie or whatever because I had so many Wal-mart bags, but now that Jo's eating real, big people food the diapers are real, big people diapers!
What else? I'll have to add more child is destroying something.
hey bethany,
I found your blog a week or so ago (i think through married to the ministry). I enjoy reading it. My husband and I do worship (including choir and tech) at our church. It's nice to meet other people doing the same thing. I linked your blog to mine if that's ok.
I know I'm a pretty laid back mom (of 2 boys), but we kept the bumpers in the whole time. So have all my friends. It isn't that easy to get trapped under if they are tied down.
The most important thing about SIDS is that you check on them when they cry, then again when they stop crying, and then any time that something doesn't sound right.
Baby Monitor Must have - BeBeSound's Angelcare Motion Sensor. It has a motion sensor pad that goes under the mattress. Better than a tv monitor (they break)
nice to "meet" you,
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