Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Maternity leave day 7 - a medical update

I’m still here and still great with child. This is officially week 38. I’ll go back to that tracking method, since measurements are now moving beyond the normal span of pregnancy.

We’ve all been doing well. I am thankful for every single second of this pregnancy, and I realize how fortunate I am to have made it this far…but I’m about to the point of being “ready.”

I’m adjusting to this slower-paced life at home. I have been catching up on some housework and getting out, too, though it takes more out of me than it has. I’m surprised that I haven’t run out of things to do. In fact, I haven't gotten around to several items on my to-do list. And yes, I have been catching up on rest. I don’t have much of a choice in the matter. Swelling and pain overrules my wishes from time to time.

I’ve started on a pretty good novel, but I should be writing thank-you notes instead.

I saw my regular doctor yesterday (the rotations are finally over!), and I remember that I like him a lot. He noticed that my face is swelling along with my feet, but he said it’s okay because my blood pressure is good. No progress as far as labor goes. He said that even though the baby is getting big, he won’t consider inducing until, at the earliest, a week before my official due date (August 25). He wants to make sure the baby’s lungs are fully developed. I’m good with that. Still hoping labor starts on its own.

Dr. B was almost certain the baby’s head was down, but he sent me for an ultrasound to make sure. Indeed, it was. They estimate she weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces. I was glad to finally ID the body parts that most commonly poke out here or there. We got to take home some pictures, so I’ll post them as soon as we get them scanned.

So, Dr. B sent me home, told me to keep my feet up as much as I can and wants to see me next Wednesday.

Sorry if this blog has sounded more like a report, but my writing is a little rusty after a week of being away from work and not blogging.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just hang in there! That baby will come when she's ready, even if you are or aren't! It's a nice luxury that you have a job that you can leave to take some time to rest before D-day. Definitely take it easy and enjoy the quiet and the sleep. You'll be longing for it again soon. :) I wish you quick and easy labor in case I don't talk to you before the baby comes! I'll keep you all in my prayers.