If it seems as though my blog has been lacking lately (as though it were the picture of brilliance before), there’s a good reason. My mind has been on things that I didn’t think I should put on the Internet yet, but it’s the real story of what’s going on in my life right now. So unless you want to keep reading about candle packaging, I’d better come clean.
Introducing Baby Akridge at 7 weeks.

For fun, let’s call him or her “Salad.” No particular reason. Gunter and I have just always talked about what a humorous name that would be for a child, along with Lasagna and some others I can’t remember.
The ultrasound was taken a little over a week ago, and I read that Salad (as in singular) has changed a lot since then. He or she was a mere 7 millimeters long last week, but has now grown to about the size of a kidney bean.
Which makes me wonder…where is all that extra food going? Seriously, I’ve never seen a kidney bean require so much sustenance. Unless, all those snacks aren’t going to the kidney bean…
Anyway, we first found out about Salad on December 21. I didn’t believe either test. Didn’t believe the doctor’s test the next day, either. I wasn’t sick or abnormally tired. I thought maybe I was just having some sort of weird hormonal glitch.
Gunter was thrilled from day one, but I wouldn’t let myself get excited until I was sure there actually was a baby in there. When I saw the ultrasound, and the doctor assured me that this was a baby and not a tapeworm, I finally realized I was pregnant.
Blessing upon blessing.
Salad is due August 25.
To say that the family is excited would be an understatement. “Giddy” is how I might describe a few of them. (If you know them, there’s no need for me to call any names.) Salad will be the first grandchild for my parents and Gunter’s dad’s family, and the first great-grandchild on my maternal grandparents’ side.
Actually, many people have been excited for us, and it means so much.
So now you know why it’s been a little tough to scrape up something to write about lately. I’ve had plenty to write about, but I wouldn’t let myself.
Please feel free to share your good advice about how to take care of Salad or what I might expect! No horror stories, please. I’m a big enough worry-wart already.
Salad. Hahaha. That's too funny. I like that you added that Salad was singular. No twins, huh?
I'm so excited for y'all. I can't wait to see you grow! :)
I'm a giddy diddy!
Love always,
So glad you finally decided it was time to share the good news!! We are some of the "many people excited"!! Can't wait to meet "Salad"! We Love You Guys!
You can't call my grandchild Salad!!!
P.S. I be so-o-o happy!
I am loving the name Bethany!! ;) I am also one of the many excited people and can't wait to meet Salad!! Congrats!
Yeah! That's such exciting news! Congrats! It's a life changing experience as everyone will tell you a million times before then but it's worth every second!
Congratulations! I'm sure you'll get a lot of good advice but the one thing I would pass along is this. Tell Gunter to sign up for a daddy boot camp type class and schedule it for when you are about eight months. I did this and it was great.
Also, I think salad works great because once you learn if the baby is a boy or a girl you can use salad as the middle name. Then, for a boy go with Ceasar and for a girl go with Garden as the first name.
That's a really funny post. I love the name "Salad." Not, of course, for when the baby is born, but I actually went along with the food names while pregnant and call my camera-ready Sophie, "Ham" sometimes. Grandpa doesn't like that too much. LOL
No horror stories. I agree. Those people should be shot. So, here's my comment (take it or leave it)....and this is actually for after you have the baby. Sleep when the baby sleeps (seriously), Le Leche League is actually helpful (stay away from the lactation Nazis, though), pump extra milk for a while and store it (you'll be glad you did), don't freak about nipple confusion, if you nurse (you guys WILL figure it out), let hubby/mom/grandmom/dad/friends help you out (especially AFTER the initial 4 weeks-first 4 weeks are pretty much a breeze, they sleep all the time), and make sure you get back out with friends and learn to leave little Salad with family members (you and hubby will be glad you did, and your family will think you're the bomb).
So there you go. And I don't even know you! Hi. My name is Amy and I am a mom of the first grandchild and great-grandchild, too. :)
Woo Whoo! I'm behind on my blog reading. Congratulations on the future arrival of little "Salad"!
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