When you see the object above, what do you think of?
a) A funny clothes hanger without the hook thing
b) Crocodile Dundee
c) A fun-filled Outback vacation
d) VBS 2009
If you answered d), you must be one of the outstanding individuals ready to take on Boomerang Express this summer. If d) was not your answer, chances are it will be by the time school starts back in the fall.
A funny thing happened to me the other day. I agreed to teach our association's kindergarten VBS clinic. If you know me, you understand what is so humorous about that statement. Because, if you know me, you know how little I know about kindergartners or teaching them...much less teaching other people how to teach them! In light of my lack of expertise, coupled with all I have going on this spring/summer, I started to decline the offer to help.
But then, I thought back to this very month 21 years ago, when I gave Jesus my heart at the age of almost five. Teaching is far from my "spiritual gift," and I don't know much about 5-year-olds, but I can bring one thing to the table -- a living example to these teachers of why what they're about to do is so important.
And I'm just one of many.
1 comment:
On January 31, 1988 on Sunday morning at Salem Seminole Baptist Church, I was preaching on "The Rapture." It was a very special day for me!
Love always,
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