Gunter and I, squares that we are, like to keep up with youth slang words...street language, if you will. I'm always proud when I learn a new phrase. "You better come correct" is one of my favorites from the past few years. Gunter even gets a periodic e-newsletter that educates our old selves on the latest terms.
This is an actual (paraphrased) conversation Gunter recently had with one of our youth:
Gunter: Hey, do you know what "roll up" means, like, "You better roll up"?
Youth: Um...no.
Gunter: You haven't heard anybody say that at school? I read it in a youth newsletter...It said it's a term kids are using...
Youth: We don't read newsletters.
Gotta love 'em.
*At first, we learned that "roll up" means to get ready to fight, like to roll up one's sleeves. Since this incident, we have found out that "roll up" has several other meanings, so we use it sparingly.
That is hilarious!! You're still young and cool!
So many phrases and single words have changed in meaning! You're cool for keeping up. (Hope I didn't just say something to offend you :)
Sherry, you'd have to say something pretty mean to offend me. :)
Being cool is so overrated! (Or maybe I'm just saying that because I'm so uncool and can't keep up...Hmmm...You know, come to think of it, I wasn't ever cool. Oh well...) :)
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