"You're so little! When I was pregnant with mine, my belly was twice that size!"
From the Winn Dixie deli lady today:
"August?! You look like you're about to have her."
On the contrary, according to my doctor, I'm measuring right on schedule. That's what Blue Cross pays them for, so I think I'll stick with the professional opinion.
Everyone has an opinion, and many times it comes from those who haven't been pregnant in some time, or ever. My most memorable one was when we were leaving church one day, my husband was opening the truck door for me, and I was getting in the vehicle. An older lady, who tends to sometimes be critical (and not the typical jokester), said, "Let's go Big Mama. Get up in there." I replied with a smile, not really knowing what to say. To make me laugh, Justin immediately says, "I guess that makes me Big Daddy!"
I wonder if this could be the same one who told Kaci her face was getting fat.
Bethany, I was asked by someone (kin to me on my hubby's side) at only 8 weeks, if my ankles were swollen. I said "No!,I guess I just have fat feet."
I was told one time that I looked like an olive on a toothpick.
Aren't people's perceptions of the pregnant woman's appearance so funny—and varied?! I mean, people look at you like you're some sort of phenomenon. I got everything from, "Are you having twins?" to "You're pregnant?" Makes a whole lot of sense, huh?
Isn't it amazing how the comments vary! Some people speak before they think and "stick their foot in their mouth", others are gracious and encouraging!
Something you will probably here at the end is, "Are you still here?" or "Haven't you had that baby yet?" And . . you might not have even reached your due date!
I bet you look great!
Bethany, You are a very gifted writer and I love reading your blog! Your little stories always make me smile! I must share one of my many preggo stories with you. During my last pregnancy, someone commented, "I just can't imagine the Dr. allowing you to gain so much weight."
"What's he going to do, wire my mouth shut?" I replied with all of the meanness that I could muster! It definitely was not the best "preacher's wife" response! haha! Anyway, enjoy your pregnancy, you will forget most of the comments that are so thoughtlessly tossed your way. Take care!
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