I have sort of a shallow, personal question, and I need some input. I've tossed around the idea of getting my hair highlighted, but I'm a little on the cheap side and don't want to pay the $60 (I think?) my hair lady charges. I don't want to change my hair color completely. I just want a few subtle highlights to snazz it up a little.
My husband --who shares my sometimes incorrect view that just about anything can be done just as well at home for less money -- has encouraged me to get highlights and has, on several occasions, volunteered to do the honors. Himself. At home. I'm sure some of you are laughing at me for considering this venture.
To his credit, Gunter is quite artistic in every area he's tried his hand at -- music, painting, sketching, photography, interior decorating (not gonna go there, or I'll get in trouble). So, he has a pretty good track record. But could he prove to be an accomplished hair highlighter?
Don't panic. I'm not going to do anything hasty. I'm not even sure if I want to go to the trouble of having to maintain highlights.
Has anyone out there had any experience with boxed hair color? I've heard (and seen) a few horror stories, but are there any good ones? Any certain types to avoid or look for? Any tips for someone who's never touched the stuff? Any pros and cons of professional versus DIY?
Here's my two cents...go with the professional if you can afford it. I do the boxed stuff, but all over color and it works fine but for highlights, I would stick with the pro. It is a pain on your schedule and on your pocketbook to maintain highlights. Here's my suggestion...my hair dresser will charge by the foil so you could just get a few around your face to brighten and pay like half the price. I think mine charges $5/foil and you would need 6 or 8. You might check into that.
Also, if you want all over highlights, foils give more color in one area and will require more visits to the hair salon than if you can get her to pull through a cap. (Can you tell I did highlights for many years?) Pulling through the cap is much more subtle because it is only the top hairs. Foils give a better all over color.
One more thing...the longer you do highlights, the lighter you get because you can't get the same hairs everytime to color. Eventually, you will have to have it darkened.
But, after all's said and done, I miss my highlights...
Sorry, Gunter...but my vote is the professional! :)
I've done both... professional and had a friend do the honors with a box. If you go with a box I'd do the brand that has the two step process in one box... all over color plus the highlights. I don't think you can mess it up. They average $20 but it's worth the security.
However, I do like getting my hair highlighted by the pros. The last time I went my lady did something I am eternally grateful for. She didn't highlight the very top layer of hair where I part it... my highlights have grown out and there hasn't been a nasty line showing the evidence of neglect.
Either way... go for it.
I do my own color at home. My step-mother, the beautician, mixes it for me and I do it at home. Sometimes Wayne helps me apply it!!! When considering highlights and I have had them in my very dark hair...go pro! The process of lightening your dark hair can fry your hair if you don't know what you're doing. I worked in and have been closely affiliated with a beauty shop for most of my life...trust me, go pro!
Just like Melissa said, eventually your hair will get pretty light and you'll have to have it colored. When mine was highlighted I really liked it, but being a plain person, I got tired of keeping it up. It was a nice change, though. I will never forget the first time I went to church after having it highlighted for the first time. I was so proud of how my hair looked because all of my life I have been plain--just brown hair...This older lady came up to me and said, "Why did you gray your hair?" I've never forgotten that!!!
I say go for it...it's just hair...it'll grow out, whatever the outcome!
I've done both. I colored and highlighted with a cap for years. I now go to a pro (because I'm tired of doing it myself). I like Preference by Loreal for the overall color. I also used their highlighter, too. They give you two size hooks to pull the hair through. One is for finer and less amount of hair pulled through and the other is larger for chunkier amounts pulled through. Follow the instructions carefully and be sure to allow the color to lift just as they say or it will be brassy. If the highlights should be brassy, you can use a dark purple shampoo or conditioner such as Shimmmer Lights to correct the color. It isn't hard to do and should you choose to DIY, your hubby could definitely do it for you. Again, read all the instructions, first. If you have a beauty supply store such as Sally's or Beautyc, etc., they can answer any questions you have.
I actually received more compliments when I was doing it than I do now with the pro. My hairdresser foils my hair.
Good luck with your decision.
I both color and cut my own hair and I don't know if you are aware but I am cute as a button.
If you are going to highlight it yourself use the cap method.
~ Lydia
Being an experienced receptor for highlights (all my highlights are grey), I would say, "Go for it!" My only suggestion is that if you are looking to save a few bucks on the process, ask yourself the question, "Don't you usually have to pay for quality in other areas?" This is not bottled water from Wal Mart. This is the top of your head! In the movie, "The Omega Code 2" the devil comes out of the top of a guy's head. Think about that before you "do-it-yourself."
What did you decide? I've been going to the same girl for two years now, and I love her! She does 2 colors each time (a lighter color and my natural color) so it looks more natural:)
I vote for Gunter. I have all the confidence in the world that he will do a GREAT JOB!!!!! I let Glennie put them in my hair the first time (cap method) and he did a good job. The only professional one that I had done did not stay in very long (foil method).
Good luck on becoming light-headed.
The Stanleys
After much reflection, I vote that you stick with the naturally dark hair look and skip the dye altogether.
If you're looking for a change, maybe a different cut is in order.
Just a thought. Whatever you decide will be a lot of fun, I'm sure!
Can't wait to find out what you decide to try!
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