I'm planning a youth girls' sleepover at our house very soon. I definitely want it to be fun, complete with games, junk food, etc., so I need your help. Does anybody have any tips or ideas? Horror stories? At some point during the night, we're going to talk about purity. I welcome any suggestions as far as that goes, too.
For supper, I'm thinking about buying English muffins, sauce, cheese and various toppings so the girls can make their own mini pizzas. I might also get some cookie dough to bake cookies -- you know, something to get them involved instead of just standing around with their arms crossed. Disaster in the making? Maybe.
I have a few ideas for DVDs to rent and games, but I'd be glad to hear your suggestions there, too. Being an old married woman, I just sometimes feel out of touch.
I did this a couple of years ago. Good luck! :) Just kidding! I did a "no moms allowed" sleepover. That meant the only chaperones were people who didn't have kids in the group...I got lucky when some of our college age girls volunteered. Anyway, I had a short little devo time but after that, they were free to do whatever they wanted. The only rules were they were not allowed outside of the house and they had to handover their cell phones and keys at the door. They brought their own games, movies, etc. They had the best time just hanging out together. My advice to you is to not have much structure. The girls still talk about that night! I'm looking to do it again soon. I've just got to figure out what to do with Charlie.
Twister is always a good game for sleepovers. If there isn't going to be a ton of girls I think that its going to be fine to have them help fix their meal.
I have heard great reviews about this book: http://www.purefreedom.org/bookSK.htm
if you have time to get a hold of one, it could help you in the purity department.
have fun!!
Have a Blessed day!!
I left you the wrong link.....http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product/?item_no=WW83442&p=1006336
is the book I was really talking about...however the 1st book is on dressing correctly...which a lot of teenage girls probably need to know more about as well!!
Pedicures (simple ones...like painting each other's toes) are always fun. :)
I found your blog through the "married to the ministry" blogroll. I had another sleepover for our girls recently. I decided that this activity was just for having fun and growing more comfortable with each other. i made some simple invites and we had a "princess movie night" (the princess diaries, ella enchanted, & the princess bride). we had choc. strawberries, snacks and definitely cookies. :) we just took a break and had really good time. the girls are eager to have another one this summer. hope you have fun on yours! :)
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